Friday, November 14, 2008

Bailout Please, If You Don't Mind.

The Discovery
I've come to a brand new understanding and the prospects of it are so exciting. I will explain. As I was growing up my parents had times of financial comfort and many more times of financial hardship. I learned from them that if one spends more than they earn, life can get very uncomfortable. I learned that when times are lean you eat a lot of potato soup and turkey legs, you doctor yourself at home when you are sick, and you can keep warm gathered around a kerosene space heater. So in following my parents misguided example we have avoided the overuse of credit cards, we drive a paid-for-less-than-perfect car (yes, you read right I said car!), we have set a precedence with our children that a few gifts are a joy and a pile of gifts are overwhelming and excessive. We have unnecessarily lived under the bondage of responsible spending and careful living. What liberation we are finding in our new discovery!

The Plan
Matt and I have signed up for a new, higher limit credit card(maybe two). We are excited about the prospect of buying many many Christmas gifts for friends and family this year. We are currently shopping for a brand new SUV, even thinking about a Hummer, just cuz driving a Hummer would be SO cool! My wardrobe has really been pathetic since the boys were born so no more Walmart and thrift stores for me. It is only the finest department stores and boutiques from now on. After all you get what you pay for...or shall I say, I get what you pay for?

The Solution
The first place I planned on getting our I mean bailout from(for we surely will need one after implementing our new plan)was the federal government, but I quickly realized the chances were slim. The government just bailed out the banks and will probably soon be bailing out the auto industry. Then this morning I heard on the radio (don't worry, the big flat screen blue ray TV is on order) that several large US cities are requesting bailouts as well. I knew even the govenment may run out of bailouts before they got to us. That's where you come in. If each of my blog readers would send us just $100. per month we could maintain our new lifestyle. Really it isn't much of a sacrifice on your part to ensure our financial liberty. After all, how could we possibly wear $200. tennis shoes, drive a hummer and pay our mortgage without your help? So please keep those cards, letters, checks, and money orders coming this way. I can even set up a paypal account if that would be more convenient for you. Thanks in advance for helping us live the American Dream.


Kim M. said...

I WOULD give it to you if I could.

But if I were rich enough, then I wouldn't have a choice. Now would I?

You will get it anyway if you are poor (at least that's what our new Prez says.)

If I were rich like some of my good missionary-supporting Christan friends are, then my wealth would be spread to you to update your lifestyle.
You can count on that!

If am rich:
My missionary friends in other countries will suffer, my church will suffer, my needy friends will suffer, my Christian non-profit organizations will suffer because I won't be able to afford to give to them excessively like before.

That's ok though isn't it, since they are spreading intolerance.

I would give it to you, but alas.... I am poor too! So maybe I will get some of that wealth too!!!

Right now I live within my means too, but maybe I can LEARN how to NOT live within my means. Hey, I have an idea! Maybe my hubby can just stop working altogether! Now that's a plan!

I too can learn how to live in excess! BAILOUT PLEASE!!!!

Sorry... the sarcasm was catching :-)!!!!

lauralavon said...

Such a great post!

Anonymous said...


Kimberly said...

Now I have never thought to use my blog as a way of pickin up some always set such a good example!:) Many blessings that you get lots of dough!:)

Charity said...

heehee! And then you could also be generous with your favorite "charity"! ;o) Loved it!!!!

kayla said...

The check is in the mail, all I ask is a ride in the Hummer.

Anonymous said...

How silly of me. I too have been living within my means. So shortsighted. You have inspired me. I hope you get a lot of financial responses to your blog...because then you may have to share some of it with me...

Making Memories 1999 said...

So very creative!! Let me know if it works!! :-)

Tara said...

You are a funny girl! If you have success with this, let me know so I can have a bailout too. I could use one, after all. :)

I was snooping on my hubby's FB, and saw you were eating Chick'n in a Bisket and thinking of a friend. Might I know who that would be?!? :) (Remember when we used to just have to give the box away?!)

I promise I will call you back one of these days. Life surely was not intended to be this hectic, eh?

Marty said...

Little late on responding...sorry I've been shopping for Christmas...with my Credit Card of course!!! Ha! Just a joke!! Sad to say that I have bought the boys gift and that is all...still have the in laws to do!!! This year is very simple and NICE due to Emma Grace being born!!! Love your idea by the way...I was just telling Larry that I need to go to Washington for and plea for my bail do you think that would go over???

Timotheos said...

I'll paypal the eft over to you immediately, once you have replied to my great aunt from india who has been sending you those emails noting your bequest. :)

The White house said...

Hello Hello!! Here is the comment I promised!! Hope you are still amazing:-)