Wednesday, March 21, 2007

In the Beginning

Here I am doing what I thought I'd never do. I guess it goes to show we are never too old to be influenced by peer pressure. I have always thought blogging would be a great way to keep in contact (thus, the blog name) with friends. However, I have reservations about putting my life out there on display for the world. I don't have any astounding thoughts that will change the world, and I most certainly am in no position to advise anyone on anything. So with those reservations, I step into the blogging world with a page that offers little to no personal detailed information and no striking, thought provoking essays on life, parenting, politics, marriage, education, religion, or turnip farming. (Well, maybe an entry or two on turnip farming.)

So what's the point, you may ask? Well, I hope this will be an avenue to keep close friends and family members updated on our family in a time efficient way. I know I would love to be able to check out what's going on in your life and see recent photos of you and yours. (if you haven't noticed, this is my attempt to "peer pressure" you into creating a blog of your own.)

Well, that's it. I hope friends and family enjoy and I hope weird-o stalker types are too bored to bother checking this blog out again.


Kimberly said...

Love it so if we can pressure some others to join...I'm expecting much are a very wise woman! Love Ya!

Julia said...

Thanks Kim. Let's put on the pressure. :)

Tara said...

Couldn't have said it better myself! We're two peas in a pod. Looking forward to this new connection.....Love ya!

lauralavon said...

I know it's crazy, but I feel more in touch with you after reading your blog than I have for the year or whatever it has been since we've shared the same driveway! It's easy to jump online during the day between laundry, checking school work, overseeing what all of us moms continually oversee...much eaiser than trying to schedule a time to go for coffee. This is great! It's worth throwin' out the fears of wierdo stalkers. Now, that's not to say I'm not interested in the coffee.