The boys came to the door the other day and asked for two bedrooms, two beds and an organ. They were building the Swiss Family Robinson's tree house and needed these items. I logically told them that it was impossible to send out such large items. Micah replied, "Okay, we'll just take the Clavanova."
Just a few days ago Micah opened the door and asked for money. I asked why they needed money. Micah replied that they were going exploring and needed funding. I declined the request and he promptly said, "OK, but we won't be able to discover gold and bring it home to you." None-the-less I am NOT Queen Isabella and they can fund their own excursions. This leads to my present quandary. They took me at my word and decided to earn money on their own. They promptly went to the woods, collected fallen branches and set up a table at the end of our driveway so they could sell their "firewood". The real dilemma is that our drive is off of a private drive, the only people who drive by the "wood stand" are our neighbors and their friends. Our boys stand at the side of the driveway and flag these dear people down and then sell "firewood" at the insane price of $1.00 a piece. They've made $4.50 so far.
The $.50 was from a dear neighbor who didn't have a full dollar with him and begged to get a small piece of wood for half-price. We've told the boys they may not "hit up" the same person twice, but I still question whether we should let them "hit up" anyone at all. Then again, they are working to collect the wood and becoming quite the little salesmen. Then again, our dear neighbors are buying goods they need not, simply out of compassion. These photos are of our friend Joy. She kindly came by Saturday and bought 2 pieces of wood.
Well the DQ club is still in full swing. We read Pilgrims Progress this summer, but were too busy to actually meet and discuss it. We are currently reading Gulliver's Travels. This is an interesting book full of political satire. In fact, it confirms my belief that we can learn a lot from history. If one did not know that this book was written in 1726 one could oft times easily believe they were reading a political analysis of our current political condition here in the US. While Gulliver has been MUCH easier to read then DQ, I am looking forward to moving on. Miss Austen's Pride and Prejudice is next. I had a credit on my account, so I uploaded the unabridged version of Pride and Prejudice. I have never read Austen as I assumed she only wrote romance and as this is not my favorite genre of literature I was not interested. After listening to the book, I am a confirmed Austen fan. The story line is gripping, the historical content and cultural information is fascinating and the language is inspiring. The movie does NOT do the book justice. So run out and get a copy of Pride and Prejudice, it's worth the read.
This photo is of Mom and the boys shucking corn.
Tonight at church we start practice for our annual Christmas Drama. This year we separated into two groups as we have close to 25 children/young people participating. We like to be sure everyone has a part and finding a script with 25 characters is difficult to say the least. Becca and I are directing the older kids drama and are excited about the fun of working with them. They are such talented young people and are all such a joy to be with. We are doing the play, "Christmas Comes to Detroit Louie". I know in 1990 the HS Academy did this play. If any of you who participated in that have an extra copy of the video sitting around that I could borrow or if you want to make a copy I'd be glad to pay for it. I think it would be really helpful to have our kids watch it.
Well, Josiah is done with handwriting and Math and as these are the only subjects I can give him to do without my assistance I must needs fly.
Funny....maybe those boys will make good politicians:) (God forbid!)
So happy your sweet Mom could be there...the salsa looks yummy!
I read Gulliver's Travels in highschool...I can't remember much about it (which either means I'm old or didn't like it much in the 1st place!) Now for Austen...a very good thing that you're reading her...I read PandP years ago, but recently read Persuasion (her best I think!) and currently I'm on Emma. Austen was such a smarty!
Sorry for the long comment:) Love ya!
PS...that pic of Josiah w/his violin is too cute!
Oh that is so funny about the firewood!!!! Sounds exactly like something my boys would do. They are always begging me to have yardsales to sell their broken toys for outrageous prices.
Your book reading club sounds like so much fun! I must say audio is my current source of a lot of "reading".
I am jealous about your canning. Our garden did horribly this year.
I am devastated. I have always thought that you secretly were Isabella. And I was just about to ask for funds...bummer. Oh well, must find another benefactress.
Thanks for the happy post. I also agree that Miss Austen is lovely. Sense and Sensibility is sitting beside my favorite chair right now waiting to be read. I also read P&P several years ago and enjoyed it immensely. I need to reread it. I think I would get even more out of it this time.
Hope you have a lovely time at the retreat this weekend. Sorry I won't get to see you. Hugs all around!
Thanks for making me laugh today. :)
I am so relating to you. My boys wanted to sell one of Collin's drawings to the neighbors last week for $10.
I'm sorry that you squelched a great discovery. No appreciation for Columbus.
The salsa looks so yummy. Kimberly used to say that making salsa was therapuetic. Is this true?
Glad your Mom got to visit. I wish she would come back down here, she makes me laugh.
Do you have a Nathan and a Dwight for your play?
I am totally impressed by the boys' entrepreneual spirit! What a hoot.
I love the entrepreneurs! I'd say it's probably boosting neighborly relations more than anything.
So happy you read P&P--it's my favorite still. I actually was introduced to Austen by my sister when I was in highschool and she in college. She brought home the old black and white to watch and I found it rather silly. Then when I saw the BBC version (like 5 tapes loooooong) I fell in love with the story and wanted to read it. Since then, I love the reading of it the most...but it was the movie that first hooked me in...I know, rather pitiful to admit. Tom says he can always tell when I'm reaaaaallly sick...if I pull out the P&P movie.
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