Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Lost has come home.

Hola my friends. I have missed you. We have been home from camp a little over a week, but alas, there have been mounds of laundry to deal with upon our homecoming. We also started "school" this week, and have been busy counting, reading and learning more about our beginnings. In fact, today we went outside and measured the length of Noah's Ark. That my gentle readers, was quite an eye opening experience, even for Mommy. It is not hard to believe Noah got 2 kinds of every animal on that baby! Hardly anything like the "cute" pictures we see of Noah's Ark. No wonder it took so long to build.

We had a wonderful time at Mode Camp. The boys especially were thrilled to be there. There is just nothing like cramming your whole family into a small cabin and living "rough" for a few days. Not to mention, they had constant contact with buddies and Miss. Jo to help them, "Search for Truth." This photo is of the boys after we got home. Notice they still have their "Quest for Truth" hats on. They have worn these almost every day, and their magnifying glasses are never too far out of reach. The adults had a great time too, by the way. Our primary speaker was Rick Hutchison and he did such a great job. We also enjoyed the music and fellowship of Matt and Joy Barnett. But as wonderful as Church Camp is, it is so nice to be back home again. (does anybody hear John Denver singing?)
We had our first meeting of the Well Educated Mind Book Club last night. We discussed the first 5 chapters of Don Quixote. It is a very funny book, in an insane sort of way. I will try to post a review of every 5 -10 chapters upon the request of Tara and Jenny.
We have also had another Parenting Class since we returned home. It is always so refreshing, encouraging, and inspiring to meet together. We also got to meet baby Olivia, she was precious.
Another joy we have had upon coming home, is Papa and Nanny coming for a visit. Papa could only stay one night, but Nanny is here to visit for a couple weeks. We are really enjoying her company. She is working on a quilt for Micah's bed. I'll be sure to post pictures of that when it is done.
I hear the mellifluous sounds of my family laughing and playing, thus signifying Daddy's arrival home, so I must close. (There ladies, I was able to use a D. Q. word in my blog. )


Tara said...

What a great, newsy post! You have been busy, girl. I didn't know you were in a book club for W.E.M.; that is cool. Who's in it?? (aren't I nosy?!?)
And I LOVE the new vocab word! How fun! I was just wondering, though, when does Dairy Queen ever use the word "mellifluous"? hee hee hee.......

Tell Mares I said Hi!

Kimberly said...

Welcome Home!! I love the hats!Don't knock John Denver!:)The book club sounds fun. There are so many books to be read!! And tell your Mom hey from me, as well! (Love from one of your gentle..err maybe not so much so..readers)

Making Memories 1999 said...

"Yes, it's good to be back home again!" BTW, one of my fav JD songs!! My Dad sang that when I was but a wee gal! :-)

Hoping to join you all on the next book. Will it be Pilgrim's Progress? Since I already have it started, maybe I can finish it in time for the book club! ;-)

Love the pic of the boys!! Hope your first week of school is going well!! Sure has been good to see your Mom!!

Julia said...

Oh my, if you didn't know about the book club, who is it that asked me to give reviews of Don Quixote? Laura F., LaRae F., Carma M., Dorinda E., and Lora F. are the ladies who are reading D.Q. with me right now, but as you can see, it looks as if Becca may join us on the next book. (she was too busy this time around.)
You are one of the most gentle of my gentle readers. :)
I'm not sure what the next book is on the list, I can't find my 'well educated mind' right now. (pun completely intended.) :)

kayla said...

First I need to know what you used to measure the ark, a rule?
I hear John Denver loud and clear. "Sometimes this ole farm feels like a long lost friend".
Got to see your Miss Jo this week. Lots of fun.

lauralavon said...

I looked the new word up again, and the accent is on the second syllable. mel lif lu ous
This book club is a tremendous help as I try to educate my aging mind. ; (
Did you ever try to wink and frown at the same time? I just did, and it's really hard!

I wondered what you guys (all 4 of you) were doing in your hats yesterday in the drive when LaRae and I came home around lunchtime. What fun for Daddy to be able to be a part of it!

You don't have to respond to this. : )

Anonymous said...

Welcome back. Enjoyed the blog. I haven't actually read D.Q. in its entirety. I am one of those who was educated by reading some of the classics in their original form and reading the rest in comic book form - as in Classics Illustrated (from the days of our parent's childhood). This allows one to converse intelligently about the classics while having strange comic book images of them in one's head. It's a great life. And you're right, "insane" is a good descriptive word for the book. Bring on the windmills!

Julia said...

We used a tape measure. 300 cubics is about 450 ft. We spray painted the grass every 20 ft. until we reached the Ark length.
I'm not responding, but it is hard to wink and frown, I tried too.
I'm all about abridged classics for general info purposes. I'm beginning to think that D.Q. is best read in an abridged form. As funny as it is, I'm wondering how one could write much more than 10 chapters on his insanity. We shall see. I must say he makes me giggle.

Kimberly said...

I have a picture of you in the sailor suit..I will not post it!:)I was happy to be a loaner.

Julia said...


Kelly S said...

So glad you're back! I enjoyed reading your update. I too have been so very busy and way behind in blogging. I'm trying to get caught up today. Hopefully I'll even put a new post on mine today. I probably lost all my readers by now, so come visit me soon:)

Marty said...


So glad to hear about your last many weeks. Sound like you had a fantastic time. Your boys are the cutest! Thanks for posting pics! Love ya!

P.S. I got to talk with JJ the other day!! It was great catching up!

Cara said...

Hi Julia,

I enjoyed entering the "blog" world! Unfortunately, I can't do much more than weekly updates since I do not have access to internet at my house. (have to use Jamey's office) Anyway, I have really enjoyed seeing pictures of your family and getting a glimps of your life! By the way, I have the book "The Well-Educated Mind" and I have read part of D.Q as you put it. I found it hilarious! But I am not having much success with keeping on track with her lists--you are fortunate to have a book club with reading partners to keep you on track.

H Toh said...
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H Toh said...
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