While speaking with Charity on the phone the other night she made a comment about my b-day blog still being up. I didn't say anything, but thought, "The poor dear hasn't checked my blog in so long she doesn't know I've updated since then." Well today I sat down at my trusty, albeit slightly neglected, computer and found that Charity was right. So sorry to have you coming back to check a blog with no updates in the past month. Pathetic I know.
We just got home last night from an Expo (for Matt' work) in Minnesota. The boys were a big hit there (the only kids in the place) and we hope we sold rocking chairs too. It was cold, no not the, "brr it's 20 degrees cold", I'm talking freeze your nose hairs cold. I really am rethinking the concept of Hell being hot, perhaps.....well; I'll stop there lest I be labeled a heretic. Let's just say 17 degress
BELOW zero is absolutely
INSANE. In spite of the weather we did have such a nice time. Pictures will be coming soon.
I also have some very Happy News. I got a message from Jani's Mom informing me that a new little man has joined the JB family. Jordon Lawrence was born Feb. 9 @ 3:25am. He was 7lbs 9 oz and 20 inches long. Mommy and Jordon are doing well. I'll try to get a picture to post of the little fella. (check out www.our365.com, his photo is not up yet, but should be soon.)Speaking of little fellas here are a few funnies (and one not so funny, but just plain embarrassing) I've been overhearing from Micah of late.
While listening to Brooklyn Tab's "Take up Your Cross", I hear Micah singing, "Count the crust take up your cross and follow Him." He then turns to me with a very perplexed look on his face and says, "Why count the crust?"
I hear banging coming from the other end of the house, upon investigation I find Micah banging on Josiah's bedroom door yelling, "Open in the name of the King!"
Micah - "Daddy was that funny?"
Matt - "Oh yes Micah that was hilarious!"
Micah - "Daddy, hilarious means a BIG funny!"
While Micah was speaking to a lady she said, "oh my gosh!" Micah promptly said, "Oh you shouldn't say that because that is taking the Lord's name in vain."
And from Josiah I have been getting my script on a daily basis. I am rarely Mommy. Over the last two weeks I have usually been one of the following, per instruction from a first born. I have been Eliza Jane sister of Almanzo (Micah) and Royal(Josiah) Wilder. I have been Polynesia the Parrot (from Dr. Doolitle) playing with Gup Gup the Pig (Micah) and Jip the dog (Josiah). I've been Bess, Black Beauty's (played by Micah) Mommy and Josiah is Ginger. Today I am Trunky the Elephant, while two Crocodiles are building a "tent" in the dinning room. One is the Enormous Crocodile that eats children (Micah) and the other is the "Not-so-enormous-crocodile-that-just-eats-fish" (Josiah) See Roald Dahl's Enormous Crocodile for details. I'm not sure if we are having an identity crisis or if we are perhaps listening to too many books on CD. Well I just heard, "Help Trunky, I need help Trunky!" So I must fly....er stampede.