Thursday, April 12, 2007

On Eyes, Plungers,and Photos

I know many of you may not know that over the last month or so Matt has been having trouble with pressure and blurriness in one of his eyes. Matt was diagnosed with Toxoplasmosis. The Doctors think this may have been something he was born with and it has just begun to show itself in the last couple of years. (Two years ago he was diagnosed as having Optic Neuritis, now they wonder if that was actually the Toxo in it's early stages.) Anyway, Toxoplasmosis in the eye is not something that is curable, but is definitely treatable. We are very thankful that, outside of the blurriness he has when the Toxo flares up, it has not affected his eyesight. Anyway, that is a little update on Matt's eye condition for those of you who have kept up with us on all this.

Speaking of Toxoplasmosis, Matt and I had to go to his Retina Specialist in St. Louis this afternoon. It was so nice to get away alone for a few hours, even if it was to go to the Doctor. I will spare you the ooey gooey stuff about my hubby, but I must say he is so much fun to be with and I'm very thankful he is my friend. We stopped by the mall and Matt did the dutiful husband thing and sat by the dressing room door, while I tried on clothes. Then we went to Q'doba's for supper, if you've never been to a Q'doba's I am so sorry for you. (It's fast food Mexican at it's finest.)

On our way home, Matt told me that Josiah told him the other day what he was going to do when he grows up. My mother's heart swelled as I thought of all the things my little genius was surely planning to be. Perhaps a Doctor or Concert Violinist. My thoughts were interrupted by Matt saying that Josiah plans to marry our neighbor girl (who happens to be 9 years his senior) and become a Super Hero. (He recently watched Larry Boy and the Rumor Weed) I really like the neighbor girl so that part was OK with me, but I'm a bit concerned about my son running around in a mask, tights, and plungers on his head. But if it's the Lord's will.....

Well, it is insanely late and I must close. I really will try to get some photos on here soon, I hate to have Marty making me look bad. :)


Marty said...

Great to hear an update on Matt...very thankful that it is treatable! I'm very jeolous of you...I would love to have a few long hours with Larry! I don't think that standing in our garage watching/helping him make cabinets counts. But, at this point, I'll take what I can! Have a great day!

Marty said...

Ohh yes Julia...I am sooo glad that you remember that I NEVER got a red tag or a C....(that might be stretching it...I think Old Testement Surevey is ringing a bell...their were a few prophets I couldn't recall!) I must not forget to mention the night that I turned off the electricity and Esther lost her paper...If I don't..someone else will!!! It was a mistake that my lovely cousin so readily forgave me! Thanks Essie!

Julia said...


A C in OT Survey isn't bad. I think I got a mercy pass from the dear Dr. Essie may have been able to get an A if her mean cousin hadn't destroyed her paper though. Oh well, you live and learn. :)

Making Memories 1999 said...

So glad you all had a great afternoon! Glad Matt's eye is treatable and hopefully the "toxo" won't flare up too much!

There are several little guys who think alot of that neighbor girl! :-)

Kimberly said...

Thankful things are "looking up":) w/the eye issue. There's a theme going on here w/the older women go, Josiah!:)

Anita Marie said...

Hello Julia,

Just wanted to say I found your blog and have enjoyed reading about your life. I look forward to seeing pictures of you and your family.
~Anita (Kerr)Dalkin (fellow missions major from HSBC)

Charity said...

Isn't that why they warn pregnant women about changing kitty litter- toxoplasmosis? Weird. Glad to hear that they can do something for treatment! I'm enjoying your blogging. By the way, ours is - although I don't update as often as I should...

Julia said...


So good to hear from you. I hope you are doing well. This blogging thing is such a funny easy way to keep in touch with old friends.

Julia said...


I didn't know you had a blogspot, I'm looking forward to seeing it. Perhaps, this will be a means of us being in touch more often. Hope you all are doing well.

Viola said...

Ok, so why do you worry about your kid and plungers? Who wears them on their head anyway? Am I missing something. Maybe he just needs a good dose of THE MOST AMAZING HERBS ON EARTH.
