I love Spring! I love the fresh air blowing through our house. I love the bright green new leaves on the trees. I love my flowers blooming on the front porch. But what I love most is what's happening right now. I am sitting here typing this blog listening to my boys OUTSIDE playing. It's like a freedom pass. They will play out there on a dirt pile of two hours, with little whining or arguing. It's a beautiful thing. I just open all the windows in the house, so that no matter where they are I can hear them and keep an eye on them. They play hard and wear themselves out and then come in ready for a nap. Is life good or what? :) We didn't have this option when we lived in town. If they went outside, I was out there with them. We lived on a busy road and weirdos are a plenty in this world. But out here, in five acres of woods, there are no car or weirdo worries. We don't have a yard yet, just dirt, but they seem very happy with the dirt. Hopefully in the next month or so we will be seeding the yard, but I don't think the boys are in any hurry for that.
Well, we made it for one day of IHC. We didn't go at all last year, Matt needed to stay home and keep things going at work while Keith was away. As most of you know. We are very good friends with Keith and Rachel who are the owners of Take One Studios (as well as the Saw Mill/Rocking Chair business where Matt works). Well, for years now Keith has been running the sound at IHC and Rachel has been in charge of the Dayton Daily. As you can imagine, it takes a ton of people to accomplish all this. Especially, with IHC adding a web site and audio streaming. So Keith and Rachel take several people from our church to help them get everything done. To be honest, I don't really feel like we "attend" IHC since we rarely have time to attend a service. We pretty much work in a back room from morning till everything is done in the evening. Don't get me wrong we have fun and have some down time to visit with old friends, but IHC is work. We enjoy it though, it's fun working together and I often have opportunities to see old friends and I almost always get to hear the Mass Choir
Well, I suppose I should close. Mondays are the days we go to Josiah's violin lessons. He takes lessons in Carbondale which is an almost 1 1/2 hour drive. By the time we get there have his private lesson and then attend group lessons and then eat supper we are gone most of the day. So if I'm going to get anything done around the house it has to be before lunch. I suppose I'll go get some more laundry done while the dirt piles entertain the boys. :)
Hey! This is your old friend from HSBC. I hope this thing will let me post.
I don't even know how I found you. I think I was reading someone's blog and I saw yours on their friend list. I love being able to connect with people after all this time!
Hope you are doing well and I hope you post some pictures sometime :-)
Yeah...what about the pics.? I made the fetucinni for lunch yesterday and that's also leftovers tonight (leftovers are another form of a free pass:)It was delicious!!
Hi Juwah,
I enjoyed reading about your day. Sounds like it would have been a great day for sitting around, drinking ice cold ale8 together (ha!), and enjoying some of Kimberly's strawberry jam. Wouldn't it be fun to just have a girls day/night out like that together?? Ah, the good ole days.....!
Although, massive guilt trips seem to be working on getting more of us together this way. i.e. Sonja, and Kayla NOT far behind! (I called her minutes after you hung up with her today!)
Love ya,
hey, where are the pics :)
Good to hear from you. This is a great way to keep in touch with people. I have checked out a couple of yahoo blogs, but I don't think they will let me leave comments without being a member. Anyway, I'll check out your blog anyway.
OK OK. I PROMISE to get pictures on this week. There I said it. If I promise I'll have to do it or suffer the consequences. (it's tough being a Wesleyan.) :)
Hey, just curious if you've tried or had trouble leaving a message on my yahoo blog. Other people have had trouble. I checked the settings and I'm not sure why it doesn't work. I tried several months ago to start one on blogspot but couldn't figure it out. If yahoo isn't working then I'll have to have David start me a blogspot site. ~ Thanks! Kelly S.
HA!! Laughing out LOUD at your picture. You're such a pain in the rear.....making us wait all this time and THAT'S what we get!!
You're too funny.
Love you, friend...
Love the picture. You finally caught up with Marty and I.
Love the family picture.
I love the family picture! But, I kinda am like Tara...we waited all this time for this? I guess we shouldn't complain right? Love that you have such a great yard for the boys to have freedom in! That is still a dream for us. The older boys are old enough to play in the front yard without me being out there, but bigger would be better! Some trees, a creek...ok I'm really daydreaming my prayer list!
Have a great day!
Thank you for the otter picture. It makes me happier than I can say. Sorry I didn't see you guys at the great "convention" where all God's people gather in one spot for blessed fellowship. It would have been nice.
By the way, WOOHOO for spring!
hey Sonja,
Do you mean HEAVEN??!!??
hee hee hee hee
Dear Friends;
I am hurt by your comments on, what happens to be my favorite and our best, family photo! :)
Did any of you scroll down and see the plethora (see,highschool vocab tests do come in handy as an adult)of photos I have posted. I did realize however, that as a parent I have tons of photos of my kids, few of Matt and none of me. I will try to be more conscious of that and try to jump in a few more pictures.
hey! i LOVE the pic!! so cute!
The pics are great...(well, all except the fam. one:) But I guess poor Marty, Kayla and I are chopped liver....no group shot:( Oh well...another day another trip hopefully! The boys are so precious!
Next time tell me to scroll down. I'm really new at this thing and need specific instructions. The boys are to cute. I never imagined your children with blonde hair and blue eyes.
I didn't know to scroll down either - learn something new every day! Your boys are adorable - uh, now that I see what they look like rather than looking at their noses poking through a hole :)
I am so sorry that I didn't scroll down either! Please forgive me for my previous post on your blog...I so take back my words! Your boys are sooo adorable! How come we were blessed with such handsome boys? I thought beauty skiped to every other generation...And you and I married handsome mean and we have it "going on"!!! Beauty two generations in a row? Who would have know? Or I guess I have things GOING alright...the Sagging Disease is creaping up on me...UGH! Love ya and have a great rest of the week!
Julia - Quick question...who is the most hilarious person named Viola who writes on your blog! I starting to think she may be funnier than you...Never thought I would say that! Get back quick...I might have some questions for Ms. Viola's question section. Ha!
Glad that you got to go to IHC for one day...though I'm sad that it's soooo much work for y'all. I KNOW THAT TONS OF WORK GOES INTO IHC, that most of us don't see, but WE DO APPRECIATE ALL THAT Y'ALL AND EVERYONE ELSE DOES TO MAKE IT HAPPEN! =) Your pics are sooo cute, and so are your boys! Glad your boys can play outside safely and that you can relax. (Living in Colombia, I sort of understand your fear.)
Love, Heather
I think I would have to have a yahoo 360 account to leave a message for you. Also, if I can figure out blogspot I know you can, I'm not the brightest crayon in the box and I figured the basics out anyway. If you are on my blog (the home page) up at the top you should see something like create a blog or start a blog or something. When you click that it will ask a few questions and guide you through the process. Now putting on photos and links, that I had to get directions from friends to do.
So glad to be in touch again. I will still check out your yahoo blog, just won't be able to leave comments.
I didn't mean to sound like a martyr about IHC, while it is a lot of work for us, we really enjoy being there together. It's like making Christmas Cookies with your family. It's a lot of work, but the fellowship is so good you do it every year anyway.
Your family's safty is in my thoughts and prayers. I pray you all find rest and peace in trusting Jesus.
AMEN to the spring and outside playing comments!! And I love the family pic!! You all are seal cute!!
Okay I'm going to add to the long list of comments on here and say your boys are adorable. I guess I need to get a blog on here since people (friends and my family) have a hard time viewing my pictures on my Yahoo 360 account. I sooooo have to agree with Kayla that I never imagined you with blonde hair/blue eyed children. (adorable!) I think I remember having a conversation with you in the dorm about these type of things. I think someone threw a shoe at someone's head. hee hee
I'm glad I scrolled down and saw the pictures of your beautiful family.
Have you won the contest of the most blogs on one post?
Have I finally beaten you at something? I HAVE MORE COMMENTS! See Kimberly N, this IS a grownup popularity contest. (something I never won as an adolesent or adult).
Kim M, I'm scared cause I don't remember any shoe throwing, however, I do not doubt the truth of it for an instant. Let me just take a moment to apologize to anyone who has known me in any of my years ranging from 16 - 25. It took me a LOOOOONG time to grow up. Not sure that I'm there yet, but am mature enough to be embarrassed of the past. :)
If you have to apologize for the years from 16-25, what does that make the rest of us??? Did we not CHOOSE to be your friends?!?
No apologies necessary.
However, I will NOT be leaving any more comments on this page. I refuse to contribute to a big head due to an INSANE number of comments on one blog. Let's take it somewhere else....like maybe to mine....heh heh heh
HEY, everyone, let's go for 30!!! :-) We'll set a record for comments!!!
(Did I say it right, Juwah? I tried to remember your exact wording, but I forget so easily. . .)
(teehee couldn't resist)
Do the comments really count if half of them are responses from the owner of the blog?
Are you thankful to me for getting everyone to scroll down?
I got the 30th comment!
Julia, my dear friend, I AM very proud to have known you during those years! The Lord willing, we have all grown up and are different people now that we are older! But don't fail to remember that our past makes us who we are today! You are a wonderful young Godly mother who I am blessed to call my friend!
OK...I'll enter into the comments/ popularity contest fray...and I ditto the comments re:liking even loving you in that decade..essentially you are the same...even more beautiful, funny, and wise:)(Now, don't insult us anymore!!)
Good Grief, if I had known my apology would have gotten me so many compliments, I would have done it sooner. :)
Becca; You said it wrong, but that's OK it worked anyway.
Tara; It says you were compassionate, even as a youth. :)
Kimberly; Beautiful, funny and wise mega dittos right back at ya, baby! :)
Goodness if you think you were immature then what was I? Smooching at the crosswalk... how dumb and immature was that? They even put a picture of me and Michael in the yearbook with a crosswalk in between our pictures.. so our immaturity is forever enshrined in that yearbook! We had the guards practically chasing us after that incident!
The shoe throwing was "sanctified" so you are okay there. You were always fun to know. I actually enjoyed the "immaturity". :-) You really need to do a new post so these comments won't crash your blog!
34 comments bugs me... sorry, I hate to add to the madness, but it should have either been left at 30 or must go up to 35.
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